Mi foto "Linked Generations" fue la ganadora del concurso BW Portrait de Lucie Foundation Para ingresar en la photo ganadora en Lucie Foundation haga click en el siguiente link
Talk at SONY ALPHAUNIVERSE – Black and White Artistic Photography
Last Thursday, May 27, I shared a talk at SONY AlphaUniverse via Zoom with the title: "Sharing my Learning Path - Artistic Photography in Black and White". To access the recording you can enter
United Nations, #theworldwewant
An honor that my photo is among the 75 winning photos of the #TheWorldWeWant contest, in which more than 50,000 images from 130 countries participated. The competition was organized by the United Nations, Agora Images and Join UN75. For a world
BAAEX 2020- Buenos Aires Art Experience
I have the honor of being an artist selected for Buenos Aires Art Experience (BAAEX) 2020 with my work "Confidentes". The exhibition will take place on April 17, 18 and 19, during the art week, at the Palermo Racecourse from