I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1966 and had the privilege of living in cities like São Paulo, Mexico City, and Barcelona. Each of these places has left an indelible mark on me. They are my second homes. I discovered my passion for photography after exploring studies in philosophy, fashion design, and landscaping. Everything I received back then still beats in my works. Currently, I reside and develop my projects in Buenos Aires.
I have actively participated in fairs and exhibitions, both nationally and internationally. The UN has exhibited some of my photos on three occasions. I had the honor of seeing my work published in different internationally renowned books and magazines. I have also collaborated with Sony Alpha Latin seminars.


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I have the honor of announcing that my work "Vulnerability," from the series "Interwoven," is now part of the private collection of the prestigious Société Nationale des Beaux Arts in Paris. 🙌✨ This is a significant step in my artistic career, and I am proud to represent Argentina through my art in this historic institution. 🎨 Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey! #ArgentineArt #Photography #PaulaAranoa #SociétéNationaleDesBeauxArts #InternationalArt